GNP is a Canadian waste heat solutions company whose primary business is to provide the EXPANDER, a waste heat to power system, to the natural gas compression industry.
- Natural gas compressor hookup site.
- 3D rendering of GNP's waste heat to power system
- GNP's waste heat to power system installed at compressor site.
- Construction of GNP's waste heat to power system
- Installation of GNP's waste heat to power system
- Installation of GNP's waste heat to power system.
The EXPANDER is a waste heat recovery system that produces clean electricity, reduces fuel-gas consumption and provides the ability to increase gas throughput/production from the compressor.
GNP’s Development Philosophy
Our philosophy in designing the EXPANDER system was based on:
Designing a system that can operate within oil and gas installations
The EXPANDER system was specifically designed to recover waste heat from natural gas compressors and thus has an oilfield spec (Class I, Zone II) on all components.
Tailoring the design of the system to meet the customer's requirements
Our team had many years of oil and gas experience when we set out to design the EXPANDER and we applied that knowledge into our system design and into our intellectual property.
Specifically, the system was designed to:
- Not interfere with compressor operability and performance.
- Meet all regulatory requirements (pressure regulator, grid connectivity, remote operation, emissions, etc.).
- Have a small footprint and therefore the air cooled condensers were integrated into the skid.
- Generate 3-phase AC power suitable for use on site or exporting to the grid.
- Eliminate any fluids from the design that can freeze.
- Not burden the compressor operator's time with operating the EXPANDER.
- Be a modular “plug and play” skid that is shop built for simple delivery and field installation.
Create a high quality product
GNP understands remote oil and gas operating and thus when specifying the components for the EXPANDER, only high quality and rugged components (typically used in an oilfield environment) were specified.
Strategic Advantage
GNP may have a strategic advantage in the supply of waste heat to power system to the natural gas compression industry: